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(based on materials of second lesson of Synergy Academy as of 05.06.2019)

The Synergy Academy participants already know the need to focus on the long-term perspective, attracting additional financial resources to implement their project. However, there is also a need to build an interconnected organizational development strategy and fundraising strategy.

The fundraising strategy of the organization allows building a long-term plan according to which additional financial resources will be attracted.

However, there are some additional questions: “What should be done to build an effective fundraising strategy? What am I looking for? How is it possible to act in an appropriate way? ” Are you also interested in answers for the above-mentioned questions?

Then, welcome to our community and let us read life hacks from Synergy Academy expert Svitlana Olieinikova, who invited Synergy Academy participants to the exciting world of strategic fundraising.

Plan of action to build a successful fundraising strategy

Here is the following plan of action to build a successful fundraising strategy:

  1. Create your team and define an individual who will be responsible for fundraising;

  2. Think about the evaluating criteria to estimate the effectiveness of fundraising action. Take care! You should not use the quantitative and monetary indicators to estimate the fundraising effectiveness during the first months of fundraising strategy implementation. Remember that building a fundraising strategy is a long process

  3. You should always find time to update the list of potential donors. New opportunities are constantly emerging, and risk sharing is never superfluous.

  4. Create a single database that contains up-to-date information on all existing and potential partners. Efficiency plays an important role in attracting additional financial resources!

  5. Fundraising strategy is long-term and systematic. Thus, it is necessary to work on it systematically.

  6. Do not forget about monitoring, working on a fundraising strategy! The identification of strategy weaknesses is the basis for its further successful implementation.

  7. Don't forget about your employees and external partners. From time to time, remind about yourself with a pleasant surprise. Cooperation is always the most effective, when you know each other, and therefore you understand the partner.

  8. Work on reputation. A good reputation and positive feedback mean a lot.

  9. Manage and provide constant adjustments of the fundraising strategy. Fundraising is as dynamic as all our existence…

Create your fundraising strategy systematically!

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