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(based on Fundraising strategies course of Philanthropy University (lector Tom Wolf))

It seems that the grant application is perfect: an actual idea, justification, a powerful project team, reliable partners, inspirational beneficiaries. However, it is “time X” - the application deadline and… “something goes wrong” - the application is rejected.

There is hundreds of additional questions: “Why? What is the reason? ”

Well, let us take a look at the application “through the eyes of the grantee”.

"How to do it?" - we ask Philanthropy University expert Tom Wolf.

We should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. The grant application is not read twice

An expert is unlikely to spend an extra hour or two to re-scan even the best grant application. Therefore, it should be written clearly, avoiding exaggeration and double understanding.

You should always remember the following thing: the application is read only once, so there will be no second attempt.

2. The "subjective" criteria for the peer review of the application will always remain the same

The grant contests are different. However, despite the recommended amount of the grant application (one page or even 100!), do not forget about the rules of its fulfillment:

  • brief application means a meaningful application, because you managed to formulate your idea without unnecessary words.

  • avoid unnecessary adjectives. It is obvious to you that the problem is urgent, your team is the best and the idea is unique. However, the expert always accepts only evidence.

  • remain literate. The expert notes not only grammatical but also elementary calculation inaccuracies in the budget "2 * 2 = 4, not 5". Is it true?

  • do not put all your honors and certificates in the applications. An expert is unlikely to be interested in what you did in your college times.

3. The start should be easy

Start your introduction or abstract from the main thing, namely: “Organization X (Your Organization) seeks extra funding (amount) for project Y” implementation”. Everything is simple and clear from the beginning. Next, you can expand the introduction a bit. Moreover, there is a risk that your proposal will get to an expert who is willing to pay maximum attention solely to the introduction.

4. Clearly formulate the problem

“In city X, two out of three people who have completed secondary education and are eligible to attend university will not do this because of a lack of funding. Our project is called… ”Everything is clear. The expert does not have the question: "Why have you written the project?"

5. Mission, goals, objectives, etc…

In these sections, first of all, mention your problem, describe and detail the way to solve it ... Let us go further!

Will each grant application be successful? Certainly, no.

However, you still becomes your experience… The experience that remains with us forever…

Use your experience skillfully!

The course is here:

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